
Hives Treatment in Noida

Hives or Urticaria is a common skin condition looks like red, itchy welts on the skin. It can occur due to various factors and ranges in severity from mild to severe. While acute hives last only a few days to month and Chronic persist for months or years.

Causes of Urticaria or Hives

Hives occur when immune cells release histamine and other chemicals, leading to swelling,
fluid leakage, and severe itchiness of the skin. It represents an abnormal immune response
to potential triggers, such as:

  • Allergy to food, medications, insect bites, or stings
  • Viral, bacterial and parasitic infections
  • Exposure to extreme hot or cold weathers
  • Extreme sun exposure to the skin
  • Emotional stress
  • Physical pressure on skin like, tight clothing, or vibration from exercise.
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Fluctuating hormonal levels

In many cases, the trigger behind an outbreak remains unknown.

Patient often visit to a dermatologist with the following complains:

Sudden appearance of red, swollen welts and flare patches on the skin, Individual hives
lesions vary in size and shape, Burning, tingling-type itch or pruritus, Occasional deeper
painful swelling called angioedema. Sometimes, minor dietary changes or stress might
provoke episodes without a clear source.

Treatment options

At Arcane clinic our expert dermatologist will take first step in getting treatment is to confirm the diagnosis that you actually have hives. Dermatologist may ask for some blood tests or skin tests to find out what may have caused your hives.
  • Taking antihistamine medicines
  • avoiding irritating the area
  • soothing creams to reduce itchiness
  • Avoid hot water, which may aggravate the hives
  • Taking a cool or lukewarm bath with colloidal oatmeal.
  • short-term use of topical steroids
  • in chronic cases, injectable medicines can help

Have a Question?

We’re here to help! If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out. Our team is ready to assist you with any concerns.

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